Is Automatic Success Just Theory?

My question to you…

If human beings are creatures of habit, and our habits create automatic actions that we engage in without any conscious thought, then isn’t every human being programmed for automatic success?

Even if our programming was flawed, and our belief structure deviates from what we typically call success, doesn’t our mind and body produce results in perfect consistency with our dominant programming, doesn’t this make it a system of “Automatic Success”?

Is it possible that Automatic Success is not just a feel-good idea based on theory but an actual phenomenon that is central to almost every action and decision we make on a daily basis.

And when you think that the majority of our actions and decisions happen unconsciously, then we must be filled with Automatic Success.

And if we want to change our results, then it must be a simple process of changing our conditioned programming so our own Automatic Success system can function in a new way to achieve new results.

This then leads us to the question of what are the most effective methods of changing our programming?

But before we get ahead of ourselves, unless we accept the premise that Automatic Success is more than just theory in the first place, and we don’t actually have the awareness to recognise our own thoughts, beliefs and actions that are giving us our current results – then how can we even begin the process of change?

I’d really like your thoughts on this – theory or reality?

I know what I think, in fact I have something really exciting to show you in the coming days. But I want to here from you first. Comment below and let’s begin the conversation.


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