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Gotta Get Ugly to Get Beautiful

Ugly often leads to beautiful. I started my heavier training runs this past week or two as I gear up for another season of triathlon. Interval running is the killer for me. It hurts. As an adult, I have become more conscious of how it looks…

“Mojo Like” Energy

Location: Sydney, Australia A powerful lesson from one of the World's Greatest Success Coach.

Marathon # 5

Tick it off! Originally, I had no plans fo doing this years Gold Coast Marathon, but when you are surrounded by friends who inspire you with their training - that was it - late entry and I'm in. Having a months break from start of…
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New Book

That's it! I have decided to write another book. With the success of "The Power of Subconscious Goal Setting" selling in 20 countries around the world - and the amazing testimonials and emails I get from those who have read it... I feel it…

Healthy Heat

See Scott Inside Far Infrared Sauna - Click Here The Far Infrared Sauna is a powerful healing and recovery tool I use regularly. Burn 1,000 calories in 30 minutes is one of the side benefits claimed - but I truly love it for the relaxation…

My Source of Inspiration

Some days it's hard getting out of bed to train or compete. Today couldn't have been easier. My daughter was entered into her first triathlon race and the excitement was contagious. She was filled with nerves, fears, doubt and excitement.…
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Diary of a Mad Man

The start of a new year brings reflection for me. Over the January holidays, I began flipping back through some old diary entries where I jot down ‘little life lessons’ from time to time. Before I share with you my personal insight, let…