Begin Again
If things are going well, that can be a disturbing thought to think that it will end and things may turn ugly.
On the other side, if life has turned sour, it is comforting to know that good times will return. Life can then be summed up…
Want better results in life? There is one simple answer to those who want to change their circumstances.
The title of this blog "consistency" obviously gives it away. So now let's dissect it.
You can't get fit doing 50 push ups just once…
There are two things that teach your brain the habit of success.
1. Breakthroughs
2. Follow throughs
Breakthroughs are sexy. In most cases they are PB's (Personal Bests).
Let me indulge in a quick story with a valuable lesson...
T Harv Eker – Millionaire Anthem
Harv's Millionaire Idol was brilliant - we all had 3 minutes to come up with a song as the brain…
Don’t Prejudge
In sales, we are all taught - "Don't Prejudge!" Well how would you go if faced with this situation?
It’s a Miracle… My Child Ate Fruit!!!
Every parents knows that sinking feeling. You've tried everything and your kid won't budge. It's a famous battle of persistence and the little bugger is winning.
Well, tonight I won one for the parents - and here's how I did it.
Truth Hurts
Hearing the truth sucks!
It often hurts. But without it, growth is difficult if not downright impossible.
I have learnt a few things about the truth recently. And whilst these are not new to any of us who have been on the receiving end…