Birthday Wish Come True

birthday-wishIt’s a dogs life!

And this birthday for me was just that. Slept in. Lazy breakfast with the kids. Went back to bed to watch a movie.

Finally got my ass out of bed. Tried to run on my sore foot. With only 49 days to the Gold Coast Marathon, pulling up lame with left foot plantar fasciaitis after my 30km run last Sunday has left me somewhat agitated.

Run made it worse. Not physically. My 10 metre run said “Stop you idiot”. So I did. To release my mental anguish, I went for a bike ride with my beautiful daughter. I love these moments as a Dad. We ride. We talk. She looks to me for safety on the roads and I felt an overwhelming desire to ride forever with her.

We go to Blockbuster and get another movie. This time, it’s Sherlock Holmes. I am lovin’ Robert Downey Jnr. at the moment. Ironman 2 was high tech and awesome. Got half way through Sherlock and had a nice big sleep. Woke up and went with family to Broadbeach for dinner because neither of us could be stuffed cooking on a Sunday night. Came home and got kids ready for bed and school. Watched the rest of Sherlock Holmes who delivered the goods also – 4 1/2 Stars. (Man, I feel like a movie critic).

What have I learnt from this Birthday?

Some days it’s just good to do as close to nothing as possible. I lounged in the hammock in the arvo with a good book but couldn’t be shagged reading so I just looked at Jazz my dog doing the same and realised, “This is a great birthday”.

Today I learnt that no present will ever replace your kids hand drawn card they’ve spent an hour coloring in.

I learnt that lying in bed with your wife beats going out to lunch – in fact, it beats nearly everything life can deliver.

I learnt that taking the time makes you realise how much of it we waste trying to keep busy jamming a bunch of surface experiences into it.

I learnt that if I had one more day to live, I would do pretty much what I did today… I would hug my kids like there’s no tomorrow… cry at the beautiful words echoed in a card… move my body without caring about where I’m going or how fast I need to get there… sleep because my eyes wanted to close… make love to my wife… and lay around like my dog just to see the world through her eyes…

Imagine if life were this simple everyday…

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