Subconscious Goals

The Power of Subconscious Goal Setting is about setting goals in a way that they burn themselves into the subconscious so that every action and decision is made in harmony with our inner core. The greater your understanding of the mind as…
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Leadership – Communication Crack

  Crack # 2 - The Communication Crack How often do you see businesses fail in the areas of communication. Too many people working on the same thing. No one working on the important thing. People unclear about where the business is going…

Subconscious Princess

I'm sure all girls dream of being a Princess when they are little. Just the thought of growing up with your handsome Prince inside a big castle, being waited on hand and foot while your two ugly sisters can only dream and scheme of having what…
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Your Money Process

To get wealthy, you must find a process that produces results that you're prepared to repeat. In every industry, business and individual that experiences any sort of success, you can trace it back to a process. What you will often find is…
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New Book

That's it! I have decided to write another book. With the success of "The Power of Subconscious Goal Setting" selling in 20 countries around the world - and the amazing testimonials and emails I get from those who have read it... I feel it…

Healthy Heat

See Scott Inside Far Infrared Sauna - Click Here The Far Infrared Sauna is a powerful healing and recovery tool I use regularly. Burn 1,000 calories in 30 minutes is one of the side benefits claimed - but I truly love it for the relaxation…

Spontaneous Pleasures

You know "it's the little things in life" that bring the most joy. Sometimes it takes nothing more than a simple spontaneous act to shake things up a bit and make you feel alive. So often we march to the beat of someone else's drum. We…