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Miracle – Part 2

A few days passed and our little man had his 7th birthday. And yes, he got his new bike.

Here’s what’s really cool!

The next morning he asked for an apple to be put in with his lunch. As parents who have seen it all before, we fully expected a whole apple coming home with him at the end of the day.

But Andre comes running out just minutes after the bell rang, and the first thing he tells Mum is “Guess what, Mummy I ate all my apple and it was delicious”.

Well wonders cease to amaze!

Lesson: Getting Andre to take that first bite opened the door to eating the whole thing. In sales, marketing and any business transaction – if you can find a way to get your prospects to experience what you do in a risk free environment, you are more than half way to having them permanently own what you have.

That first bite has to overcome change. It has to not just get people to open their metaphorical mouths to something new, but to entertain the idea that this could be a part of their lives if they like. And for many, that’s the fear point. “What if I like this?” runs through their brain. And on a subconscious level there is a chain reaction of fleeting thoughts and impulses that move through… “then I’m going to want it – and if I want it, I will feel a need to have it. A commitment that will compel me.”

Once people over come the change and experience the “like”, you are no longer selling them. They are buying it all by themselves.

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